Quick Update

Tape Conversion

Lately I have been converting and updating cassette tapes that have been given to me by Shizhe’eyazh and Shinali, so that’s occupying my spare time, not too bad because many of the tapes have old Navajo and Native American Church songs.

The process goes from one program to another, and really focusing on clearing out the hums, clicks, crackles, and pops that old recordings have.

As far as design work, my job has been keeping me pretty busy especially on the various websites, which is great, because working on various projects keeps my mind sharp to providing the best output of design.

For awhile I was trying to create a WP theme of my own, but I did not enjoy certain things about what came out. I opted to stick with the defaul theme that WordPress recently rolled out with, very slick.

I will add more work, and perhaps write on this site when I’m not too occupied.

Aheehee for your patience.